How Uber Drivers Rate You and How You Can Reach 5 Stars

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Uber does not do a very good job of providing feedback about your rating, but more often than not, a low rating has something to do with poor navigation skills. Although drivers can't see exactly who gave a low rating drivers can, if absolutely needed to settle ones curiously anxious mind, can get an idea of who may give a lower than 5 star rating noted in paragraph 3 above, but this doesn't mean it's absolutely true and accurate. But, he told me he was working at it and he was determined to do it.

When I mentioned it to him, he was absolutely clueless about it. Some drivers do this though, and if Uber finds out, you will be deactivated. The browser will reload, and you'll need to paste the code again.

How Uber Drivers Rate You and How You Can Reach 5 Stars - There are thousands of articles online that will give you the standard advice, like , add a , , and drive safely.

After each Uber ride, you can generally rate your driver. For the most part the ratings are 1-5. For a short while in Austin Uber was testing having riders rate their drivers with emojis. So drivers do want to be rated well. However that can mean longer waits for a ride. Uber drivers rate you as well. Consistent problem customers can be invited to no longer use the platform — and either get a new phone or take up with Lyft instead. Uber will tell you your number. You used to have to ask. And in fact they will now give you your average rating to two decimal places. My average rating is 4. That was near the Seattle airport when someone in my party got sick in the car. But I am not going to start carrying cash for that purpose. Some drivers report in their discussion forums that they rate down customers who do not tip. And I do not think I would care if it did. Want to know your score? Want to know how your next driver rated you? HT: who has a 4. Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer. The ones you see here crying are not the norm. But it is what it is. The vast majority handle it like you with responsibility and maturity. Others, though, are snowflakes and with their sense of entitlement are in perpetual whiny little biatch mode. Sucks to be them. I tipped every single one of my drivers since 2015. Have always been kind and polite. Have never taken a ride drunk or been unfriendly. And yet I have a 4. Whoever gives a poor rating for no reason are just ungrateful people. I am always polite and give my drivers 5 star ratings and tip them, but was actually disappointed and discouraged today. I think because I did not tip, have taken 45 rides in the UK and had a perfect rating. Had a friend who said the same, her rating always goes down when she visits the USA. I find this wrong, especially when most of my USA rides are when I am in the hot zone and I pay much more, so why tip. I was on a 5 star rating for a while until I started using uber more regularly. I have never been drunk or sick in any of the vehicles. I talk to the drivers if they start a conversation. If not I am still polite but quiet, as I understand not everyone is a talker. A ride, is a ride…. Are you talking on the phone? Are you over powering in body spray or perfume? Grumpy, hard to understand? Just some of the things I find to be very difficult to just give people 5 stars. I have given 5 stars to people who slammed my doors, kicked my center console, knock stuff over tried to tell me where to go, just take it slow next time and try to be different dont overthink it. Make conversation but know when the rider wants a quiet ride. It has coupons for the major food delivery services out there GrubHub, DoorDash, etc. And the real kicker is that the tip amount has doubled or tripled. And I hope you agree too, that I earned them. My average rating stays around 4. Thesite is only two months old. Hopefully many will follow. Those who give you a safe ride and especially those who offer you water or candy whether you accept it or not should be tipped. And for the record, the lowest you should ever rate a driver is 3. And wow, I read this whole thread and it makes me sad how so many have been arguing. It takes a real jerk to rate below a three as a driver or a rider. Taxi drivers have always been tipped so why not your Uber driver? Because Travis told you not to 8 years ago? He ruined tipping for drivers forever. My paperboy back in the days when newspapers were delivered by kids on bikes GOT A TIP at Christmas time. My vallet, the guy who carries my bags up to my room in a cart at a hotel, the doorman, the hotel clerk who takes my credit card esspecially when I want the highest room or one with a balcony… The list goes on… Not tipping an Uber driver, someone who shows up on time in a clean, non-smelly car and drives safe DESERVES a tip more than most of the service industry jobs I listed… Definitely more than a Taxi driver, but they always got tipped. I had my battery die last week and I TIPPED the guy who came out to give me a jump! I have only given below a 5 to 3 people in the last 2 years. One of them because the chick was talking on speaker phone the whole ride not to a customer , then took some wack way that made me 20 minutes late 20 minutes after the latest drop off time , then proceeded to argue with me for 10 minutes about the way she was going, and got very hostile and combative. People are putting their lives in your hands, and this is a service industry. Being a dick is unacceptable. You are being paid for a service, not doing me a favor. If a waitress argues with a customer like that, she would most likely be fired, so why is driving uber any different? I gave 2 stars to a man that almost got us killed not once, not twice, but three times in a 15 minute ride! My husband drove for uber for a year when he was in between jobs, so i know some of what you all go through, but we go through some crazy stuff too sometimes. Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel -- a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer. View from the Wing is a project of Miles and Points Consulting, LLC. This site is for entertainment purpose only. The owner of this site is not an investment advisor, financial planner, nor legal or tax professional and articles here are of an opinion and general nature and should not be relied upon for individual circumstances. 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But it is what it is. Are you talking on the phone. But once these policies start to affect your livelihood as a driver, things can turn in an instant. I suddenly realized the smoky odor sticks to everything it touches as it wafts by. Grumpy, hard to understand. The customer might always be right, but some customers are simply jerks -- and the system lets drivers know what they might be in for. And I hope you agree too, that I earned them. I have given 5 stars to people who slammed my doors, kicked my center console, knock stuff over tried to tell me where to go, just take it slow next time and try to be different dont overthink it. But I am not going to start carrying cash for that purpose. Some riders also complain about other riders from the pool and why the destinations were routed a certain way based on the pickup and drop of order.